Network Guidelines

General Requirements

Ouva on-site network requires the following for Ouva devices, servers, and PCs:

  • Fixed IP for each device.

  • No firewall between devices.

  • A working Network Time Protocol (NTP) server should be reachable from all devices.

  • A separate VLAN is ideal but is not a hard requirement.

  • Access to for the messaging component.

Application Updates

All Ouva software and required third-party packages are hosted with Nexus on AWS server. When setting up the Operating System, updating application software, the end-device pulls the latest binaries from these servers.

  • Docker registry: 80,443/TCP

  • CI/CD tools: 443,50000/TCP

Operating System Updates

  • Rocky Linux package repositories: 80, 443/TCP

Diagnostic Monitoring

Device diagnostic data (e.g. CPU temperature, memory utilization) is sent to Ouva-hosted server (on AWS) which processes data using Zabbix software. If there is anything out of ordinary, it automatically pings Ouva maintenance staff. (Optional)

  • Zabbix: 10050, 10051/TCP

Remote Access Services

Remote support is a critical part of Ouva’s ongoing service delivery. By default, systems are set up to be controlled using AnyDesk software using the following ports:

  • AnyDesk: 80,443, 6568/TCP

If your facility uses a separate vendor remote access solution, such as SecureLink or Citrix, Ouva team can carry out remote operations using those.

Last updated